Staff Reports

Board of Directors Meeting – June 5, 2008

Item A-2 Proposed Conflict of Interest Code Resolution
Item A-3 FY 2006-07 Audit Letter from Maher Accountancy

FY 2006-07 Audit from Maher Accountancy
Item A-4 Approval of Maher Agreement for FY 2007-08 Audit
Item A-5 Proposed Records Retention Schedule
Item A-6 Approval of Amendment No. 3 to MERA JPA
Item B-1 Proposed Response to Grand Jury Findings
Item C-3 MERA Coverge Improvement Project Progress from DELTAWRX
Item C-4 Logging System Recorder
Item D MERA Logging Recorder Replacement
Item E-1 Proposed FY 2008-09 MERA Operating Budget
Item E-2 Proposed FY 2008-09 MERA Other Budgets