The Authority is a joint exercise of powers authority duly organized and operating pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5, Division 7, Title I of the California Government Code, and pursuant to the Joint Power Agreement, dated February 28, 1998, as amended (the “JPA Agreement”), by and among the Members. The Authority’s purpose is to plan, finance, implement, manage, own, and operate a multijurisdictional and countywide public safety, public service, and emergency radio system.

The Authority is governed by the Governing Board, which exercises all powers and authority on behalf of the Authority. The Governing Board consists of one member of the governing body or the chief administrative officer or a designee of the Members, which are party to the JPA Agreement. A majority of the members of the Governing Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. The Authority acts upon majority vote of those members in attendance, each member having one vote. The Governing Board elects, by majority vote from its members, a President and Vice President. The President represents the Authority and executes any contracts and other documents. The Vice President serves in the absence of the President.

The Authority has an Executive Board that is responsible to the Governing Board for the administration and management of Authority affairs and for the provision of assistance and advice to the Governing Board. The Executive Board may enter into contracts with other entities. The Executive Board is required to adhere to the budget adopted by the Governing Board. The Executive Board is comprised of nine voting members. The current voting members consist of representatives from the following: the County, the City of San Rafael, the City of Novato, Fire Services, Police Departments, the Ross Valley agencies, the Southern Marin cities and towns, the County Sheriff and Special Districts. No action shall be taken by the Executive Board except upon an affirmative vote of five voting members. All members of the Executive Board serve two-year terms and may be reappointed, except for the County Sheriff or his/her designee, who serves as a voting member on an indefinite basis.

An Executive Officer and an Operations Officer serve the Authority via contract.

Heather Tannehill-Plamondon, Executive Officer

Todd Williams, MERA Operations Officer

Telecommunications Manager — Dept. of Public Works, County of Marin