Executive Board Meeting – March 9, 2016

Item A-1—Draft Minutes 1-13-16 Regular Meeting

Item A-2—Draft Minutes 1-26-16 Special Meeting

Item A-3—Report #37 on Strategic Plan Implementation

                   A-3a — Report #35 on Strategic Plan Implementation

                   A-3b — Report #36 on Strategic Plan Implementation

Item A-5—Summary of Cost Changes for the Federal Engineering Contract

                   Federal Engineering Contract Changes update

Item B-1—Report and Recommendations from Finance Committee RE: Next Generation Project Financing

                   B-1a — Financial Advisor’s Summary

                  B-1b — Proposed Financing Schedule

Item B-2—Selection of Bond Trustee

                   B-2a — RFP from Independent Registered Municipal Advisor

                   B-2b — Proposal from US Bank

                   B-2c — Recommendation of Independent Registered Municipal Advisor

Item B-3—Request from Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) — MERA Radios for MCOE and District Offices

                   Request from Marin County Office of Education (MCOE)

Item B-4—Report No 12 on Next Gen Project Oversight Committee (NGPOC)

                  B-4a — Report No 10 on Next Gen Project Oversight Committee

                   B-4b — Report No 11 on Next Gen Project Oversight Committee

Item B-5—Proposed PRELIMINARY MERA FY16-17 Budgets for Operating, New Project Financing and Refunding Revenue Bonds

                   B-5a — Proposed Preliminary Operating Budget

                   B-5b — Preliminary Agency Contribution Schedule

Item B-6—Update on 2016 Executive Board Appointments

                   B-6a — Amendment No 5 to the JPA creating the MERA Executive Board.

Item C-1—FY 15-16 System Analysis Capital Projects Update

Item C-2—MERA Mutual Aid and Communications Plan

Item C-3—Update on KWMR Equipment at Mount Vision