Governing Board Meeting – May 14, 2014

Item B—Election of Officers for MERA Governing Board (President and Vice President)

Item C-1—Corrected Draft Minutes of MERA GB Meeting of 12.11.13

Item C-2—Draft Minutes of MERA Special GB Meeting of 4.2.14

Item C-3—Report #19 on Strategic Plan Implementation

                   C-3a: Report #17 on Strategic Plan Implementation

                   C-3b: Report #18 on Strategic Plan Implementation

Item C-4—Report on Round Two Presentations

Item C-5—Proposed Resolution Confirming Biennial Review of the MERA Conflict on Interest Code

                   C-5a: Resolution 2014-04 Confirming Beinnial Review of the MERA Conflict of Interest Code

Item C-6—Confirmation of Governing and Executive Board Meeting Dates: FY14-15

Item D-1—Proposed FY14-15 Technical Services Annual Agreement between MERA and County of Marin

                   D-1a: Technical Services Agreement

Item D-2—Proposed FY14-15 Communication Engineering Services Annual Agreement between MERA and County of Marin

                   D-2a: Communication Engineering Services Agreement

Item D-3—Update on Forbes Reservoir Utilities Undergrounding Project

                    Letter Agreement

Item E-1—Proposed Resolution Confirming MERA FY13-14 Capital Project Budgets and Expenditures from Fund 70032 and 70036

                   E-1a: Resolution of the Governing Board of MERA Confirming MERA FY13-14 Capital Project Budgets and Expenditures from Funds 70032 and 70036

                   E1-b: FY13-14 MERA Capital Projects Budgets

Item E-2—Proposed FY14-15 MERA Operating Budget and Zer-Rate Fee Schedule for Non-Member Users

                   E-2a: MERA Budget: Proposed FY 2014-2015

                   Agency Contributions

Item E-3—FY13-14 Equipment Replacement Requests Status and Proposed FY 14-15 Equipment Replacement Requests

Item E-4—System Analysis FY13-14 Capital Projects Updates and Proposed FY 14-15 Capital Projects

Item E-5—Proposed FY14-15 MERA New Project Financing and Revenue Bonds Budgets

                   Agency Contributions – New Project Financing

Item E-6—Resolution of the Governing Board of MERA Adopting the Proposed FY 14-15 Operating, new Project Financing, Revenue Bonds and Reserve Budgets

                   E-6a: Proposed MERA Capitals Projects Budgets

Item F-2—Update on Gateway Repeaters

Item F-3—MERA System Operation