Governing Board Meeting – March 23, 2016

Item A-1—Resolution Commendation Hogan

Item A-2—Resolution Commendation Smith

Item A-3—Draft Minutes 2-24-16 draft 3-16-16

Item A-4—Report No. 38 on Strategic Plan Implementation.

                   A-4a — Report No 37 on Strategic Plan Implementation.

Item A-5—Measure A Low-Income Senior Exemption Outreach Update

                   Measure A Low-Income Senior Exemption Outreach Update Attachments

Item A-6—Update on Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) Request for MERA Radios

                   A-6a — Staff Report and Related Attachments from MERA Executive Board Meeting, March 9, 2016

Item A-7—Update from Non-Member Users Subcommittee

                   A-7a — Memorandum to Non-Member Users Subcommittee from MERA Executive Officer Dated March 1, 2016

Item A-8—Summary of Cost Changes for the Federal Engineering Contract

                   A-8a — Summary of changes between April 28, 2015 proposal from FE and August 26, 2015 contract recommended by MERA GB

Item B-1—Proposed MERA 2016 Special Parcel Tax Bond Financing Documents

                  B-1a — Resolution No. 2016-04 of the Governing Board of the Marin Emergency Radio Authority Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Special Parcel Tax Revenue Bonds

                  B-1b — Indenture of Trust by and between Marin Emergency Radio Authority and US Bank National Association as Trustee Relating to MERA 2016 Special Parcel Tax

                  B-1c — Financing Agreement between Marin Emergency Radio Authority and County of Marin RE: MERA 2016 Special Parcel Tax Revenue Bonds

                  B-1d — Notice of Sale $33M – Marin Emergency Radio Authority 2016 Special Parcel Tax Revenue Bonds

                  B-1e — Official Statement – MERA 2016 Special Parcel Tax Revenue Bonds and Appendix A – Demographic Information Regarding County of Marin

                  B-1f — Continuing Disclosure Agreement

Item B-2—Report No. 13 from the Next Gen Oversight Committee

B-2a — Report No 12 on Next Gen Project Oversight Committee