Executive Board Meeting – May 7, 2014

Item A-1—Draft Minutes of March 12, 2014 Executive Board Meeting

Item A-2—proposed Agreement for FY13-14 Audit Services – Maher Accountancy

                   MERA 2014 Audit Services Agreement

Item A-3—Proposed Sixth Amendment to Office and Staff Services Agreement Between MERA and Novato Fire Protection Disrtict

                   A-3a: NFPD Agreement

Item A-4—Report #19 on Strategic Plan Implementation

Item A-5—Report on Round Two Presentations

Item A-6—Proposed Revisions to MERA Purchasing Policy and Procedures

                   A-6a: Purchasing Policies and Procedures

Item A-7—Confirmation of Bi-Monthly Regular Executive Board Meeting Dates: FY14-15

Item B-1—Nomination of Officers for MERA Governing Board (President and Vice President)

                   B-1a: Governing Board Member List

Item B-2—Proposed FY14-15 Technical Services Annual Agreement Between MERA and County of Marin

                   B-2a: Technical Services Agreement Between MERA and the County of Marin

Item B-3—Proposed FY14-15 Communication Engineering Services Annual Agreement Between MERA and County of Marin

                   B-3a: Communication Engineering Services Agreement Between MERA and the County of Marin

Item B-4—Proposed FY14-15 MERA Operating Budget and Zero-Rate Fee Schedule for Non-Member Users

                   B-4a: MERA Budget: Proposed FY 2014-2015

Item B-5—Proposed FY14-15 MERA New Project Financing and Revenue Bonds Budgets

Item B-6—FY13-14 Equipment Replacement Requests Status and Proposed FY 14-15 Equipment Replacement Requests

Item B-7—System Analysis FY13-14 Capital Projects Update and Proposed FY14-15 Capital Projects

Item B-8—Bi-Monthly Report on MERA Reserve Fund Balances

Item B-9—Update on Forbes Reservoir Utilities Undergrounding Project

                   B-9a: Forbes Hill Reservoir Replacement Project D13031 MERA Forbes Dry Utilities Undergrounding

Item C-2—Request for Waiver of Radio Moratorium

Item C-3—Status/Work Statistics Reports